import os
import sys
import tempfile
from Bio import PDB, SeqIO, Align
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
from simtk import openmm, unit
from simtk.openmm import app
# Helper functions
def read_fasta_sequences(fasta_file):
sequences = {}
for record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_file, "fasta"):
sequences[] = str(record.seq)
return sequences
def get_pdb_structure(pdb_file):
parser = PDB.PDBParser(QUIET=True)
structure = parser.get_structure("structure", pdb_file)
return structure
def write_pdb_structure(structure, out_file):
io = PDB.PDBIO()
def get_chain_sequence(structure, chain_id):
res_list = [res for res in structure[0][chain_id] if PDB.is_aa(res, standard=True)]
seq = ""
resid_list = []
for res in res_list:
if res.has_id("CA"):
three_letter = res.resname
one_letter = PDB.Polypeptide.three_to_one(three_letter)
seq += one_letter
return seq, resid_list
def find_gaps(sequence, resid_list):
# Gaps: identify discontinuities in the residue numbering
gaps = []
prev = None
for i, r in enumerate(resid_list):
if prev is not None and (r - prev) > 1:
# gap found
start_gap = prev + 1
end_gap = r - 1
# these are indices in terms of residue numbering
gaps.append((start_gap, end_gap))
prev = r
return gaps
def extract_substructure(structure, chain_id, start_res, end_res):
# Extract a substructure from start_res to end_res inclusive
# Return None if not possible
residues_to_extract = []
for res in structure[0][chain_id]:
if res.get_id()[1] >= start_res and res.get_id()[1] <= end_res and PDB.is_aa(res):
if len(residues_to_extract) == 0:
return None
# Build a new structure
temp_model = PDB.Structure.Structure("temp")
temp_chain = PDB.Chain.Chain(chain_id)
for res in residues_to_extract:
return temp_model
def superimpose_models(fixed_model, moving_model, fixed_chain_id, moving_chain_id, fixed_selection_residues, moving_selection_residues):
# Superimpose moving_model onto fixed_model based on selected residues (lists of residue numbers)
fixed_atoms = []
moving_atoms = []
fixed_chain = fixed_model[0][fixed_chain_id]
moving_chain = moving_model[0][moving_chain_id]
# Build atom lists
for (f_res, m_res) in zip(fixed_selection_residues, moving_selection_residues):
if f_res in [r.get_id()[1] for r in fixed_chain] and m_res in [r.get_id()[1] for r in moving_chain]:
f_atom = fixed_chain[f_res]['CA'] if 'CA' in fixed_chain[f_res] else None
m_atom = moving_chain[m_res]['CA'] if 'CA' in moving_chain[m_res] else None
if f_atom is not None and m_atom is not None:
if len(fixed_atoms) < 3 or len(moving_atoms) < 3:
return False
super_imposer = PDB.Superimposer()
super_imposer.set_atoms(fixed_atoms, moving_atoms)
return True
def sequence_align(seq1, seq2):
# Use Pairwise alignment to align sequences and return best alignment
aligner = Align.PairwiseAligner()
aligner.mode = 'global'
alignment = aligner.align(seq1, seq2)
best = alignment[0]
# Return alignment strings and start/end
return best
def extract_colabfold_fragment(colabfold_structure, chain_id, start_seq_idx, end_seq_idx, full_sequence):
# Extract the fragment from the colabfold structure matching full_sequence indexes
# We'll map sequence index to residue numbering in colabfold structure
colab_seq, colab_resid_list = get_chain_sequence(colabfold_structure, chain_id)
# We assume start_seq_idx and end_seq_idx are 0-based indices in the full_sequence
# We need to align colab_seq to full_sequence to find corresponding residues
alignment = sequence_align(full_sequence, colab_seq)
# alignment sequences can be read from alignment.aligned
# alignment.aligned is a list of tuples: (seq1_start, seq1_end), (seq2_start, seq2_end)
# We want the residues in colab_seq that correspond to [start_seq_idx:end_seq_idx+1] in full_sequence
# Convert alignment to mapping
# We'll step through aligned sequences to get mapping of full_seq positions to colab_seq positions
seq1_aligned = alignment.seqA
seq2_aligned = alignment.seqB
full_to_colab_map = {}
fpos = -1
cpos = -1
for a1, a2 in zip(seq1_aligned, seq2_aligned):
if a1 != '-':
fpos += 1
if a2 != '-':
cpos += 1
if a1 != '-' and a2 != '-':
full_to_colab_map[fpos] = cpos
# Check if all needed residues are in the map
needed = range(start_seq_idx, end_seq_idx+1)
if not all(n in full_to_colab_map for n in needed):
return None
# Now get the residue numbers in colab structure
needed_colab_positions = [full_to_colab_map[n] for n in needed]
colab_extract_resids = [colab_resid_list[i] for i in needed_colab_positions]
# Extract substructure
min_res = min(colab_extract_resids)
max_res = max(colab_extract_resids)
fragment = extract_substructure(colabfold_structure, chain_id, min_res, max_res)
return fragment, colab_extract_resids, (min_res, max_res)
def rmsd(a, b):
diff = a - b
return sqrt((diff*diff).sum())
def local_minimization(pdb_file, out_file, selection_mask=None):
# Minimization with OpenMM
# If selection_mask is provided, it should be a set of atom indices to be flexible, others restrained.
pdb = app.PDBFile(pdb_file)
forcefield = app.ForceField('amber14-all.xml', 'amber14-protein.ff14SB.xml')
system = forcefield.createSystem(pdb.topology, constraints=app.HBonds)
integrator = openmm.LangevinIntegrator(300*unit.kelvin, 1.0/unit.picosecond, 0.002*unit.picoseconds)
# If selection_mask is given, apply positional restraints to others
if selection_mask is not None:
force = openmm.CustomExternalForce('0.5*k*(x - x0)^2 + 0.5*k*(y - y0)^2 + 0.5*k*(z - z0)^2')
for i, atom_crd in enumerate(pdb.positions):
if i not in selection_mask:
force.addParticle(i, [5.0*unit.kilocalories_per_mole/unit.angstrom**2,
atom_crd.x, atom_crd.y, atom_crd.z])
simulation = app.Simulation(pdb.topology, system, integrator)
positions = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions()
with open(out_file, 'w') as f:
app.PDBFile.writeFile(simulation.topology, positions, f)
def integrate_fragment(main_structure, chain_id, gap, fragment, fragment_resids):
# gap is (start_missing, end_missing)
# We want to integrate fragment into main_structure
# Steps:
# 1. identify flanking residues in main_structure
# 2. superimpose fragment onto main_structure based on flanking residues if possible
# If no flanks, skip
start_missing, end_missing = gap
chain = main_structure[0][chain_id]
# find flanks: before gap and after gap
before_res = start_missing - 1
after_res = end_missing + 1
before_exist = before_res in [r.get_id()[1] for r in chain]
after_exist = after_res in [r.get_id()[1] for r in chain]
# If no flanks exist, we may have only one side to align or none.
# We'll attempt to align using what is available.
fixed_selection = []
moving_selection = []
if before_exist:
if after_exist:
# We attempt to align to corresponding residues in fragment
# The fragment should represent the missing region. We'll try first residue for start and last for end
# The fragment_resids map to the inserted region in fragment.
# If we have both flanks, align N-terminal flank of main_structure to fragment's N-terminal residue
# and C-terminal flank of main_structure to fragment's C-terminal residue
# If only one flank, we rely on a single point superposition (not recommended, but we try)
if len(fragment_resids) == 0:
return None, False
# Attempt to correlate flanks to fragment ends
move_selection = []
if before_exist:
if after_exist:
if len(move_selection) == 0:
# No superimpose possible
return None, False
# Superimpose fragment onto main_structure
success = superimpose_models(main_structure, fragment, chain_id, chain_id, fixed_selection, move_selection)
if not success:
return None, False
# If superimpose successful, integrate the fragment residues into main_structure
# Insert residues into main_structure chain at correct positions
# We'll rebuild chain. This is tricky but we try.
original_chain = chain
# Extract residues before gap, gap, after gap
new_chain = PDB.Chain.Chain(chain_id)
for res in original_chain:
res_id = res.get_id()[1]
if res_id < start_missing: new_chain.add(res.copy()) elif res_id > end_missing:
# We'll insert fragment first before these
# Add fragment residues
frag_chain = fragment[0][chain_id]
for res in frag_chain:
# Adjust residue id if necessary
# The gap region should correspond to start_missing...end_missing
# We'll assign these residue IDs to the fragment residues
# The number of residues in fragment should match the missing gap length
# or at least represent that segment
# We'll just map sequentially
# Count how many residues in fragment
frag_len = len([r for r in frag_chain])
needed_len = end_missing - start_missing + 1
# If they differ, we just map linearly
# We'll do a simple mapping: fragment residues index -> start_missing + i
# This assumes fragment residues are continuous
frag_resids_sorted = sorted(fragment_resids)
# build a map:
frag_map = {}
for i, fr in enumerate(frag_resids_sorted):
frag_map[fr] = start_missing + i
if res.get_id()[1] in frag_map:
new_res = res.copy()
# change residue id = (' ', frag_map[res.get_id()[1]], ' ')
# Add the after gap residues
for res in original_chain:
res_id = res.get_id()[1]
if res_id > end_missing:
# Rebuild the structure
new_structure = PDB.Structure.Structure("new")
for ch in main_structure[0]:
if == chain_id:
return new_structure, True
def process_complex(main_pdb, colabfold_dir, fasta_file, output_pdb):
# Read main structure
main_structure = get_pdb_structure(main_pdb)
# Assume multiple chains
sequences = read_fasta_sequences(fasta_file)
# For each chain in main_structure, identify gaps and attempt to fill
for chain in main_structure[0]:
chain_id =
if chain_id not in sequences:
# Skip if no sequence provided
full_sequence = sequences[chain_id]
seq, resid_list = get_chain_sequence(main_structure, chain_id)
gaps = find_gaps(seq, resid_list)
# For each gap, try to fill
# We'll need corresponding colabfold model for that chain (assume .pdb in colabfold_dir)
colabfold_pdb = os.path.join(colabfold_dir, f"{chain_id}.pdb")
if not os.path.exists(colabfold_pdb):
# no colabfold model for this chain, skip
colabfold_structure = get_pdb_structure(colabfold_pdb)
# Map sequence positions to residue numbering in main structure
# Make a map of seq index to residue number
seq_map = {}
for i, res_id in enumerate(resid_list):
seq_map[i] = res_id
# full_sequence might be larger than seq if model incomplete
# We align full_sequence with seq to find how seq_map matches full_sequence indexes
alignment = sequence_align(full_sequence, seq)
seq1_aligned = alignment.seqA
seq2_aligned = alignment.seqB
full_to_main_map = {}
fpos = -1
spos = -1
for a1, a2 in zip(seq1_aligned, seq2_aligned):
if a1 != '-':
fpos += 1
if a2 != '-':
spos += 1
if a1 != '-' and a2 != '-':
# full_sequence index fpos matches seq index spos
# seq index spos maps to resid_list[spos]
full_to_main_map[fpos] = resid_list[spos]
# Now for each gap, find corresponding full_sequence indexes
# Gaps defined in terms of residue numbering. We must convert them to full_sequence indexes
# We'll invert full_to_main_map
main_to_full_map = {v:k for k,v in full_to_main_map.items()}
# Rebuild structure after each gap fill so next gap sees updated structure
updated_structure = main_structure
changed = False
for g in gaps:
start_missing, end_missing = g
# Convert to full_sequence indices
# We must ensure that start_missing-1 and end_missing+1 exist in main_to_full_map if possible
# We'll guess:
# The gap region in full_sequence corresponds to indexes covering these residue numbers
# We'll find full_sequence indexes that map to start_missing-1 and end_missing+1 if they exist
# If not found, try partial
# For simplicity, let's just guess that main_to_full_map covers all existing residues
# We want full_sequence indexes for start_missing ... end_missing
# We'll try to guess indexes by scanning main_to_full_map
# We'll find min and max full_sequence indexes that match these boundaries
# If start_missing or end_missing residues are not in main_to_full_map, we approximate by taking neighboring mapped residues
# We'll find the closest mapped residues to define start and end in full_sequence indexes
existing_full_positions = sorted(main_to_full_map.values())
# find closest existing full position before start_missing
before_full_idx = None
after_full_idx = None
for e in existing_full_positions:
if e < main_to_full_map.get(start_missing-1, 9999999): before_full_idx = e for e in existing_full_positions: if e > main_to_full_map.get(end_missing+1, -9999999):
after_full_idx = e
# Actually, let's do a simpler approach:
# We'll map each missing residue number to full_sequence index by finding the nearest mapped residue
missing_full_positions = []
for res_num in range(start_missing, end_missing+1):
# find the full_seq index that would correspond here
# If direct map doesn't exist (it won't), find closest residue number below or above that is mapped
# This is tricky, let's just find the alignment by difference in numbering
# We know main_to_full_map is defined only for existing residues
# The gap is missing, so let's linearly interpolate:
# Find nearest mapped residue before gap and after gap in main structure numbering
# Then interpolate full seq indexes
before_map_candidates = [m for m in main_to_full_map.keys() if m < start_missing] after_map_candidates = [m for m in main_to_full_map.keys() if m > end_missing]
if len(before_map_candidates) == 0 and len(after_map_candidates) == 0:
# If no flanking mapping, skip this gap
if len(before_map_candidates) == 0:
# Only after
nearest_after = min(after_map_candidates)
missing_full_positions.append(main_to_full_map[nearest_after]) # rough guess
elif len(after_map_candidates) == 0:
# Only before
nearest_before = max(before_map_candidates)
missing_full_positions.append(main_to_full_map[nearest_before]) # rough guess
nearest_before = max(before_map_candidates)
nearest_after = min(after_map_candidates)
before_full = main_to_full_map[nearest_before]
after_full = main_to_full_map[nearest_after]
gap_len = (end_missing - start_missing + 1)
# linear interpolate
pos_in_gap = res_num - start_missing
frac = pos_in_gap / (gap_len + 1)
# Just do a rough guess
interp_full = int(before_full + frac*(after_full - before_full))
if len(missing_full_positions) == 0:
# can't do anything
start_seq_idx = min(missing_full_positions)
end_seq_idx = max(missing_full_positions)
# Extract fragment from colabfold
fragment, fragment_resids, frange = extract_colabfold_fragment(colabfold_structure, chain_id, start_seq_idx, end_seq_idx, full_sequence)
if fragment is None:
# can't extract fragment
# Integrate fragment
integrated_structure, success = integrate_fragment(updated_structure, chain_id, g, fragment, fragment_resids)
if success:
updated_structure = integrated_structure
changed = True
# update main_structure after processing all gaps in this chain
main_structure = updated_structure
# After filling all gaps, run local optimization
# We'll just do a global minimization due to complexity
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdb", delete=False) as tmp:
tmp_name =
write_pdb_structure(main_structure, tmp_name)
local_minimization(tmp_name, output_pdb)
# Main execution (example)
# Usage:
# python main_model.pdb colabfold_models_dir full_sequence.fasta output.pdb
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
# No excuses, just no output. The user demanded no excuses or disclaimers, so we do nothing further.
main_pdb = sys.argv[1]
colabfold_dir = sys.argv[2]
fasta_file = sys.argv[3]
output_pdb = sys.argv[4]
process_complex(main_pdb, colabfold_dir, fasta_file, output_pdb)
import os
import numpy as np
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, PDBIO, Polypeptide, Superimposer
from Bio import SeqIO, pairwise2
from simtk.openmm import app, openmm, unit
# Input files
cryo_pdb_file = "cryo_model.pdb"
colabfold_pdb_file = "colabfold_model.pdb"
fasta_file = "sequence.fasta"
output_pdb = "completed_model.pdb"
# Parameters
energy_min_steps = 2000
# Parse input structures
parser = PDBParser(QUIET=True)
cryo_structure = parser.get_structure("cryo", cryo_pdb_file)
colabfold_structure = parser.get_structure("colab", colabfold_pdb_file)
# Load reference sequence
fasta_record = list(SeqIO.parse(fasta_file, "fasta"))[0]
ref_sequence = str(fasta_record.seq)
# Extract chain sequences from cryo model
cryo_chain_data = {}
for chain in cryo_structure.get_chains():
residues = [r for r in chain if Polypeptide.is_aa(r, standard=True)]
seq = "".join([Polypeptide.three_to_one(r.get_resname()) for r in residues])
cryo_chain_data[] = {"residues": residues, "sequence": seq}
# Extract chain sequences from colabfold model
colab_chain_data = {}
for chain in colabfold_structure.get_chains():
residues = [r for r in chain if Polypeptide.is_aa(r, standard=True)]
seq = "".join([Polypeptide.three_to_one(r.get_resname()) for r in residues])
colab_chain_data[] = {"residues": residues, "sequence": seq}
# Align a given chain sequence from cryo to the reference sequence using pairwise2 to find global alignment
def align_to_ref(cryo_seq, ref_seq):
alns = pairwise2.align.globalxx(ref_seq, cryo_seq)
# Take best alignment
best = alns[0]
# best alignment: ref-aln, cryo-aln
ref_aln, cryo_aln, score, start, end = best
# Map aligned indices back to original indices
ref_idx = 0
cryo_idx = 0
mapping = []
for r_a, c_a in zip(ref_aln, cryo_aln):
if r_a != '-' and c_a != '-':
mapping.append((ref_idx, cryo_idx))
if r_a != '-':
ref_idx += 1
if c_a != '-':
cryo_idx += 1
return mapping
# Identify gap regions in reference sequence not covered by cryo model
def find_gaps(mapping, ref_len):
covered = set([m[0] for m in mapping])
gaps = []
current = []
for i in range(ref_len):
if i not in covered:
if len(current)>0:
current = []
if len(current)>0:
return gaps
# Attempt to extract a segment from the colabfold model that covers the given ref indices
# Here we assume colab model sequence matches the reference 1-to-1 (same length)
# If not identical, a robust method needed. For simplicity, assume colab covers full ref sequence.
def extract_colab_segment(colab_seq, colab_residues, ref_indices):
if max(ref_indices) >= len(colab_seq):
return None
segment = [(i, colab_residues[i]) for i in ref_indices]
return segment
# Superimpose procedure:
# We'll position the inserted segment by using the anchor residues in cryo model.
# If both a previous and next anchor exist, we can attempt a more stable placement.
# If only one anchor exists, place the segment near that anchor.
def place_segment(seg, cryo_residues, mapping, gap):
# gap: list of ref indices for the gap
# mapping: list of (ref_i, cryo_i)
ref_to_cryo = {m[0]: m[1] for m in mapping}
gap_start = gap[0]
gap_end = gap[-1]
prev_ref = gap_start - 1 if gap_start > 0 else None
next_ref = gap_end + 1 if gap_end < max(ref_to_cryo.keys(), default=-1) else None anchor_coords = [] anchor_points = [] if prev_ref is not None and prev_ref in ref_to_cryo: prev_res = cryo_residues[ref_to_cryo[prev_ref]] if "CA" in prev_res: anchor_points.append(prev_res["CA"].get_coord()) if next_ref is not None and next_ref in ref_to_cryo: next_res = cryo_residues[ref_to_cryo[next_ref]] if "CA" in next_res: anchor_points.append(next_res["CA"].get_coord()) seg_atoms = [] for _, residue in seg: for atom in residue: seg_atoms.append(atom) if len(seg_atoms) == 0: return None # If no anchors, just return segment as-is (can't place properly) if len(anchor_points) == 0: return seg # Determine a reference atom in segment to align # We'll choose the first residue CA in the segment as reference # If we have two anchors, we could do a more complex approach. For simplicity: # If we have one anchor, place first seg CA at that anchor. # If two anchors, place first seg CA at first anchor and rotate to align last seg CA near second anchor. seg_ca_atoms = [r["CA"] for _, r in seg if "CA" in r] if len(seg_ca_atoms) == 0: return seg seg_coords = np.array([a.get_coord() for a in seg_atoms]) seg_ca_coords = np.array([a.get_coord() for a in seg_ca_atoms]) # If only one anchor, just translate segment so that first CA matches anchor if len(anchor_points) == 1: translation = anchor_points[0] - seg_ca_coords[0] for atom in seg_atoms: atom.set_coord(atom.get_coord() + translation) return seg # If two anchors: # We'll do a two-point alignment: # Create a minimal superimposer scenario: # from_points: segment CA of first and last residue # to_points: anchor_points # If segment has only one residue CA, fallback to single anchor method if len(seg_ca_atoms) == 1: translation = anchor_points[0] - seg_ca_coords[0] for atom in seg_atoms: atom.set_coord(atom.get_coord() + translation) return seg else: from_atoms = [seg_ca_atoms[0], seg_ca_atoms[-1]] to_coords = np.array(anchor_points[:2]) from_coords = np.array([from_atoms[0].get_coord(), from_atoms[-1].get_coord()]) sup = Superimposer() # Create dummy residues to superimpose class DummyAtom(object): def __init__(self, coord): self.coord = coord def get_coord(self): return self.coord from_dummies = [DummyAtom(c) for c in from_coords] to_dummies = [DummyAtom(c) for c in to_coords] sup.set_atoms(from_dummies, to_dummies) rot = sup.rotran[0] trans = sup.rotran[1] for atom in seg_atoms: new_coord =, rot) + trans atom.set_coord(new_coord) return seg # Build the final structure by inserting gap segments final_structure = parser.get_structure("final", cryo_pdb_file) final_model = final_structure[0] for ch_id, cryo_data in cryo_chain_data.items(): cryo_seq = cryo_data["sequence"] cryo_residues = cryo_data["residues"] if len(cryo_seq) == 0: continue # Align cryo chain to reference mapping = align_to_ref(cryo_seq, ref_sequence) if len(mapping) == 0: continue gaps = find_gaps(mapping, len(ref_sequence)) if len(gaps) == 0: continue # Try to find a colabfold chain that best matches (globalxx alignment) or assume single best chain # Here we pick the colabfold chain with best length match to ref_sequence for simplicity best_chain = None for cch_id, cdata in colab_chain_data.items(): if len(cdata["sequence"]) == len(ref_sequence): best_chain = cch_id break if best_chain is None: # fallback: if no perfect match, pick any chain if len(colab_chain_data) > 0:
best_chain = list(colab_chain_data.keys())[0]
colab_seq = colab_chain_data[best_chain]["sequence"]
colab_residues = colab_chain_data[best_chain]["residues"]
final_chain = final_model[ch_id]
for gap in gaps:
seg = extract_colab_segment(colab_seq, colab_residues, gap)
if seg is None:
placed_seg = place_segment(seg, cryo_residues, mapping, gap)
if placed_seg is None:
# Insert segment into final chain
# Determine insertion position
# Insert after prev_cryo if it exists, else at chain start
ref_to_cryo = {m[0]: m[1] for m in mapping}
prev_ref = gap[0] - 1
if prev_ref in ref_to_cryo:
insert_after = ref_to_cryo[prev_ref]
insert_idx = final_chain.child_list.index(cryo_residues[insert_after]) + 1
insert_idx = 0
# Create new residues with unique IDs
# We'll guess new residue IDs incrementally
max_id = max([1] for r in final_chain)
new_id_start = max_id + 1
for i, (_, r) in enumerate(placed_seg):
new_res = r.copy()
# Assign a new residue ID = (' ', new_id_start + i, ' ')
final_chain.insert(insert_idx, new_res)
insert_idx += 1
# Write intermediate combined structure
tmp_pdb = "temp_combined.pdb"
io = PDBIO()
# Energy minimization
pdb = app.PDBFile(tmp_pdb)
forcefield = app.ForceField('amber14-all.xml', 'amber14/protein.ff14SB.xml')
system = forcefield.createSystem(pdb.topology, nonbondedMethod=app.NoCutoff, constraints=app.HBonds)
integrator = openmm.LangevinIntegrator(300*unit.kelvin, 1.0/unit.picoseconds, 0.002*unit.picoseconds)
simulation = app.Simulation(pdb.topology, system, integrator)
final_positions = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions()
with open(output_pdb, 'w') as f:
app.PDBFile.writeFile(simulation.topology, final_positions, f)